Almost every article ever published on stress lists divorce in the top-five, right after death of a loved one and serious personal illness. Without question there is no enjoyment for either husband or wife in the ending of a marriage. But coming out of a divorce with an unfair settlement or court judgment will make a bad situation worse.
Ward Armstrong has over 30 years of experience in dealing with separation and divorce. Not only will he help you to understand your rights, but he'll help you through the emotional trauma as well. Come talk to Ward about your situation. The meeting is confidential and you can find out your rights and obligations before a divorce is filed.
In the meantime here are some basic facts you should know:
- Statistically most divorce cases settle without having to go to court. Still, even if husband and wife have reached a verbal agreement they almost always should reduce that agreement to writing. It's called a separation agreement and it's binding on both parties and enforceable by the court.
- Just because assets are titled in the name of only one party does not automatically make them separate property. The court can still grant the party whose name is not on the asset an equivalent interest.
- Moving out of the marital residence before there is an agreement can expose that spouse to a claim of desertion.
- Similarly, another relationship begun before a divorce is granted can result in a claim of adultery.
If the parties have underage children, how custody, visitation and support are handled is very important. Click here to link to our webpage on child custody issues.
The most important aspect to remember if you're facing separation or divorce is this. You are not alone. Ward will guide you through the process every step of the way. He'll inform you of your rights and keep you informed about your case every step of the way.
Ward Armstrong...a lawyer fighting for you!
Caution - Perhaps more than any other area of the law people receive misinformation and incorrect advice from friends and relatives on divorce. Before taking any action, legal or otherwise, schedule an appointment to talk to Ward.