Products Liability
When we buy things we expect them to work. We also expect them not to injure us when used properly. If you've been injured by a product that you or someone else purchased you may have a claim.
The law applies to virtually all products...from automobiles to lawnmowers to toasters.
It is important to talk to Ward as soon as possible after you've been injured. It is especially important to preserve the product in the same condition as when it caused the injury. The reason for this is grounded in common sense. An injured person bringing a claim must be able to prove how and why the product failed. Having the product so it can be examined and tested is vital.
So if you've been injured by a product take whatever steps are necessary to retain the product and protect it from tampering or damage. Then call a lawyer with experience in handling products liability cases...Ward Armstrong.
As with most personal injury claims there is no charge for an initial consultation and no legal fee unless a recovery is made.
Ward Armstrong...a lawyer fighting for you!